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NetBox Email Users Guide - Having trouble setting up your NetBox email account with your mail software? Changing email clients? Check the documentation available for download here. If you continue to have problems or have a question, drop us a note and we'll get back to you soon.

Many updated email clients, including Apple's iOS mail and Microsoft's Outlook, have implemented security upgrades which require a change in the configuration for NetBox users. The issue is caused by the secure certificate used on the host where the NetBox email server runs. It has always had a secure certificate, but the host name on the certificate is not NetBox .com. The mail server hosts a number of domains making the task of maintaining certificates for each domain both challenging and expensive.
The fix to make the server work is relatively easy. The current configuration probably has a number of entries for This needs to be changed to, which is the base domain name on the certificate. The configuration guides for iOS 12 Mail and Outlook are below. If there are any quiestions, please use the contact us form.
We are in the process of revamping and updating the website.  The client pages are still UNDER CONSTRUCTION.  Check back again soon or drop us a note with a comment or suggestion.
If you are looking for your NetBox email access and settings, go to the Webmail page and log in.